Industry News // April 29, 2024
The Fair Housing Implementation Council Requesting Proposals
The Fair Housing Implementation Council (FHIC) will begin accepting proposals on April 29, for eligible fair housing activities from any qualified agency, nonprofit or community organization. Applicants should respond to the questions in the online application and submit all requested materials by Monday, June 10 at 4:30 PM.
Proposed activities should work to address at least one or both of the following fair housing goals and strategies identified in the 2020 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. FHIC will continue to look for applications to respond to these associated strategies:
Support homeownership for racially and ethnically diverse households. Examples may include, but not limited to:
- Conduct homebuyer and financial literacy education targeted at racially and ethnically diverse communities.
- Conduct credit counseling and improvement programs targeted at racially and ethnically diverse communities.
- Provide stewardship programming (e.g., educational training on home maintenance) for low-to-moderate income homeowners
Ensure equal access to housing for persons with protected characteristics, lower-income, and homeless. Examples may include, but not limited to:
- Provide translation services for federally funded programs across the metropolitan area (e.g., translate city rehab program or rental assistance applications to Spanish, Hmong, Somali, Karen and other represented languages).
- Hold legal services, eviction prevention and other educational activities across the metropolitan area.
- Conduct fair housing training for landlords and renters.
For more details about FHIC’s request for proposals click here.