Growing our Workforce
Section 3 Overview
Section 3 is a federal program that requires recipients of certain federal funding, to provide job training, employment, and contracting opportunities for low- and very-low income residents in connection with federally-funded projects and activities in their neighborhoods.
For residents
If you are a resident of a CDA-owned property or a low income resident in the metro area, you may be certified as a Section 3 resident. Any new full-time employment opportunity from Section 3 projects must be directed to Section 3 residents. Qualified residents will be placed on a list to receive notices for job openings covered by Section 3.
To be placed on the list, please visit the Twin Cities Section 3 Collaborative and complete their online self-certification. The CDA is a member of the collaborative run by the City of Saint Paul, and by participating, we can connect our Section 3 residents to a much wider variety of job opportunities from across the metro area.
For businesses and contractors
Any contracting opportunities from Section 3 projects must be directed to local Section 3 business concerns. Your business can register with the CDA as a Section 3 business concern through the Twin Cities Section 3 Collaborative if it meets one of the following criteria:
- 51 percent or more of the business is owned by Section 3 residents
- At least 30 percent of the business’ full-time employees are Section 3 residents, or were Section 3 residents within three years of the date they were first employed
- Can provide evidence of commitment to subcontract more than 25 percent of the total subcontract amount to Section 3 businesses.
To register, visit the Twin Cities Section 3 Collaborative where you can complete the Section 3 business certification process. Income verification is required for business certifications. Collaborative members from across the metro area, including the cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, use the list to publicize contracting opportunities for projects covered by Section 3.
CDA Project Contractors
To participate in any Section 3 projects. construction contractors must make efforts to meet the Section 3 project goals as follows:
- 30% of new full-time hires will be Section 3 residents
- 10% of the construction contract amount, and 3% of the non-construction contract amount will be Section 3 business concerns.
- Provide documentation of how new employment and business opportunities were directed to the greatest extent feasible to Section 3 residents and business concerns to achieve the goals listed above.
Click here to review the Section 3 Compliance Plan and the Section 3 Employment and Contracting Report. All contracts under Section 3 will include the following language.