Our nearly 1,200 units of housing provides a place to call home for over 2,000 Washington County residents. Below is information for current residents, and also additional information for those seeking additional information on housing resources available in Washington County and the metro area.
Participant Information
Our participant handbook provides a handy guide to the rights and responsibilities of our HCV tenants. It’s a great first stop for any questions you might have about your residence. Utility allowances and payment standards can be found here.
Fair Housing Videos
Click here for videos to help inform you of your rights under fair housing laws. The videos cover topics like rental history, background checks, and bad credit. Thanks to our friends at HousingLink for developing these videos, for which the Washington County CDA helped to provide financial support.
Violence Against Women Act
The Violence Against Women Act of 2005 (VAWA) protects individuals applying for or living in federally subsidized housing from being discriminated against because of their status as survivors of domestic violence, dating violence or stalking. If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, please read here for more information on how to protect your rights.
HousingLink a great resource that allows you to search for affordable housing throughout the metro area. You can filter your results by rent, building type, and other criteria.
Subsidized Housing List
We also maintain a list that provides information on subsidized and market-rate housing throughout the metro area. If you’re looking for information on programs outside of Washington County, this is an excellent resource for you as well.
Transportation Resources
If you are a resident in need of assistance running errands or just getting from place to place, Community Thread in Stillwater has developed this excellent guide to organizations in the metro area that provide transportation assistance to Washington County residents.
Assistance for Homeless Individuals
If you are a homeless youth (under age 24 and without family members), please visit to connect with an outreach team.
Homeless families with children should call St. Andrew’s Community Resource Center at 651.762.9124.
If you are a homeless adult (over age 22 and without children), call Washington County at 651.430.6488.
If you are not currently homeless, but are concerned you might become homeless, call Washington County Emergency Assistance at 651.430.6455 or the Salvation Army at 651.739.6288 for assistance.