The Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation has just released a great new report entitled “Why Housing Matters.” This is something we see every day at the HRA – the families and seniors whose lives have been improved immeasurably because they have a safe and decent place to live. When you’ve never worried about housing, it’s sometimes easy to take it for granted. But the numbers from PAHRC remind us all why affordable housing should be everyone’s concern:


  • Nearly half of all renters are cost burdened. That is, they spend more than 30% of their income on housing.
  • 42% of all household members assisted are kids. And we know that kids from safe, stable homes are healthier and do better in school.
  • Every dollar spent by a public housing authority generates $2.12 in economic benefit to the community in which it’s located. They also help families avoid more expensive support systems, like emergency rooms and shelters.


You can download the 11-page report by clicking here.

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