The CDA is looking to expand the Resident Advisory Board (RAB) membership.  The HCV and Public Housing programs are required to provide information on the Public Housing Authority (PHA) Annual and 5 Year Plan to residents and to provide an avenue for residents to give input on the plan.  The RAB is an opportunity for residents to help shape the policies of the HCV and Public Housing programs.  As a new Move to Work (MTW) agency, the CDA is looking at ways to make the programs more transparent and understandable to residents and less burdensome to administer.  The RAB is a place for residents to share their thoughts and ideas on how the CDA administers the programs.  If you are interested in applying to the RAB, complete the RAB Application and return to the CDA.

Purpose and Responsibility of the RAB:

The CDA is required to develop a 5-year plan of the agency goals. The plan must be updated yearly and be presented to the public for comment.

HUD requires Public Housing Agencies to:

  • Provide a forum for sharing information about the 5-Year and Annual Plan.
  • Arrange for residents to have an opportunity to provide input in developing the Plan and in any significant amendment or modification to the Plan.
  • CDA must consider all recommendations made by RAB.

Who participates on the RAB?

  • CDA Resident Commissioner
  • HCV/Section 8 and Public Housing Tenants

What is the CDA’s Responsibility to the RAB?

  • Give the RAB sufficient time to review and make recommendation on the Plan
  • Give RAB members advance notice of meeting
  • Provide any existing documents that would assist the RAB to make productive recommendations during the working meetings
  • Provide reasonable means to carry out their functions
  • A stipend of $55 is provided to the RAB members for participating in the meeting.

What is the RAB’s responsibility?

  • Attend scheduled meetings, typically 3 to 4 per year. Meetings will be held virtually using Zoom
  • Commit to a 2-year term (no term limit)
  • Provide feedback to the CDA on the 5-year plan annually


Rental Assistance Application RAB

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