If you’re looking to grow or expand your business, you know how hard it can be to find your perfect fit.
Let me help you find your next location among 33 diverse and vibrant East Metro communities.
I’ll listen to your needs, pinpoint locations that work for your business, and introduce you to everyone you need to know. I’ll use my connections, knowledge, and professional relationships to help you get through the red tape and get to your ribbon cutting.
Washington County is an affordable place to both live and work, with outstanding infrastructure and a highly-educated talent pool ready to help you succeed. Whatever your business plans or goals, give me a call. We’ll help you get there.”
For more information please visit EastMetroMSP.org

Available Sites

Do you need land? We’ve got it. Through our partnership with the Minnesota Commercial Association of Real Estate (MNCAR), you can sort through commercial parcels using the criteria important to you. Some of community sheets have information sheets available for key parcels that can be viewed here.
Need more help? Not sure where to start? Give our location specialist, Chris Eng, a call. He’ll get you the information you need and steer you in the right direction.